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The Case For A Chromium-Based Coating | Modern …
Add too much aluminum to the titanium-based nitride composition, and ultimately the crystal structure of the coating will change from cubic to hexagonal lattice. That is, it will change to a structure that has less favorable properties. Chromium works better, he says. It can hold more aluminum without the structure of the AlCrN changing.
Die coatings morph to help form AHS aluminum
Traditional ceramic coatings like titanium nitride (TiN), titanium carbonitride (TiCN), titanium aluminum nitride (TiAlN), and chromium nitride (CrN) do not provide enough static friction resistance, so their use without an effective boundary lubricant will result in substantial aluminum sticking. Abrasion.
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Tribological comparison of different surface …
A substrate, composed of high speed steel material, was structured by means of milling prior to the deposition of a chromium aluminum nitride multilayer coating system, using a magnetron sputtering process. The mechanical and tribological properties of the structured and coated surfaces were compared by means of nanoindentation, ball‐on ...
Aluminum nitride (AlN) is a technical ceramic material that features an extremely interesting combination of very high thermal conductivity and excellent electrical insulation properties. Dear visitor, our homepage is currently undergoing a rebuilding phase, which may lead you back and forth between our old and our new design. We are working ...
The Effect of Chromium, Titanium and Aluminum on …
A serious of nitride coatings including chromium, titanium and aluminum are deposited on the glass and stainless steel by Closed-Field unbalanced magnetron sputtering. The friction coefficient is measured by tribolometer and the wear traces of the coatings can be studied by the optical micrographs, those indicate that the friction coefficients of TiN、 CrN、TiAlN、CrAlN and CrTiAlN decrease ...
Search Results: SAGE Journals
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Electronic structure of chromium aluminum oxynitride …
Electronic structure of chromium aluminum oxynitride is calculated with the embedded cluster method within the framework of discrete variational (DV)-Xa method. Then calculation is verified by comparing with the experiments of photoelectron spectroscopy such as X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) and ultraviolet photoelectron spectroscopy (UPS).
PVD Coatings - Physical Vapor Deposition
IBC Coatings has an extensive line that protects your die cast tooling including core pins, aluminum die casting molds and die inserts. The Die Cast Tooling Coatings We Recommend Our CeraTough® coatings are applied using a Physical Vapor Deposition (PVD) process.
High transmittance attenuated phase shifting mask of ...
Chromium aluminum oxynitride films were deposited by changing of variables such as target composition, gas flow rate, deposition power and deposition pressure to find optimum conditions to meet the simulated range. This study examined effects of processing variables on the optical properties of chromium aluminum oxynitride films and established ...
Wettability of aluminum nitride by molten metals ...
The sessile drop method has been used with a vacuum of 2.10−3 Pa to examine the wettability of aluminum nitride by fourteen molten pure metals as well as the effects of adding chromium, vanadium, niobium, tantalum, and titanium to the liquids on the wetting angle in systems containing aluminum nitride and liquid tin, copper, and germanium. Aluminum nitride is wetted only by molten silicon ...
Wettability of aluminum nitride by molten metals ...
The sessile drop method has been used with a vacuum of 2.10−3 Pa to examine the wettability of aluminum nitride by fourteen molten pure metals as well as the effects of adding chromium, vanadium, niobium, tantalum, and titanium to the liquids on the wetting angle in systems containing aluminum nitride and liquid tin, copper, and germanium. Aluminum nitride is wetted only by molten silicon ...